Nuance Dragon® Medical
One is the Software Doctors Want

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On the MDCalc iOS/Android app:


Approximately 94% of clinicians still type patient notes into the EHR—reducing efficiency and compromising the patient-provider experience. Clinics and practices need cost-effective technology solutions to help them stay competitive, boost compliance, and improve care quality.1

Patient Frustration

71% of patients are frustrated with their healthcare experience 2

Clinician Burnout

More than 40% of clinicians experience burnout3

Dragon Medical One

Cloud-based speech recognition accuracy
0 %
Cool Numberaccuracy from the start with no voice profile training
0 % +
greater accuracy than Dragon Medical Practice Edition
0 %
year-over-year ongoing improvement for even greater accuracy

Research conducted with clinicians about the role of technology and significant issues affecting their clinics and practices:

believe speech recognition and virtual assistant technology will improve the ability to document care
agree ambient technology allows them to focus more on patient care
using ambient technology are more focused, personable, and engaged
agree speech recognition helps improve clinical documentation

Using Dragon is like having an extra staff member

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